Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thurs 1-6-11 (From Mom) We met with the doctor today, but the Koke Mill people (where the CT was done on Monday) haven't read Jo's CT yet, so the dr didn't have any results to go over. We are to call him tomorrow afternoon as he is trying to get the results tomorrow morning. In the meantime, the 'lump' on Jo's right thigh has broken open and is draining; we need to change the bandage three times/day (I was only changing it twice, but I couldn't get them to look at it on Tuesday when we were there for the blood draw). The dr told me to get a bottle of saline for cleansing the wound and, tho I asked him twice about needing a prescription for the saline and he told me both times I wouldn't need one ... yep, you guessed it. I couldn't get the saline w/o a prescription ... so I'll have to try to get a prescription tomorrow morning and get the saline. He gave me a "flush" syringe at the appointment today, which I will use for tonite's change before she goes to bed. Jo has actually had two good days yesterday and today ... as she says, "good days are better than okay days ;o)". She is scheduled to take the IV antibiotic until Jan 18th and Dr. Godwin said he wanted to wait until she's finished with that before we start any other treatments no matter what the results of the CT are (we have an appointment with him at 3 pm on the 18th) ... we also need to keep an eye on the draining seroma so it will play into what our future plans will be. Tomorrow I will be calling her surgeon (Dr. Allan) to schedule a time for him to look at the wound to see if he thinks we should go in and try to drain it all at once or just let it continue to do what it's doing. If we aren't able to get the results of the CT tomorrow, it will be Monday before we know anything further on that score. In the meantime, Jo is eating good and (except for the seroma) isn't in a lot of pain, so we're very thankful for that. Please continue to keep us in your prayers and thank you for your continued support. God bless ...

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