Sunday, January 2, 2011

(It's Mom ...) Jo had a good day on Thurs., 12-30 and a fair day on Friday; we went for a drive yesterday and she went to church w/Kara this morning. Baby steps, but we're so glad she felt good enough to get out of the house for a little bit. She's sleeping now; even a small amount of activity wears her out, but she's a trooper. The lump on her right thigh still gives her a lot of pain. She is still on daily IV and oral medications. We have a CT scan tomorrow; the insurance company still won't approve a PET scan even though that's what we need to really identify whether the chemo is helping. As a matter of fact, we are still arguing with them over payment for the one done on 10/20; the hospital wants their money and the insurance company says they have to get it from us. But, God is still in charge and He's much stronger than sarcoma, so it will work out. Jesus said, "... According to your faith, be it unto you.", so we need everyone to have strong faith and keep praying. Johnna and I wish you all a healthy, prosperous and peace-filled New Year. Thank you for your continued prayers and support. God bless ...

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