Wednesday, December 22, 2010

quick update

Godwin (oncologist) said to NOT take the port out.  They will revisit the idea on Tuesday when she has another appointment with him.  Our best guess is he wants her to be able to home for Christmas and she can't do that without the port to get the IV meds from the home health nurse.  And if she stays on the IV anti-biotics until Tuesday, even if the port does need to come out, it's not critical.

SO, the plan is to get her home TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!  She had another platlet transfusion today and her rash is bad (guys, she looks like an oompa loompa...).  But nothing critical right now.  And her spirits are SO much better with the prospect of getting to come home.  PLEASE pray that the blood work in the morning shows numbers that allow her to come home and that they can get everything scheduled out with home health to GET HER HOME FOR CHRISTMAS!

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