Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas

Early Merry Christmas everyone.

Today we celebrated Christmas with my dad.  It was a lot of fun, though short, and pretty stress free.  Johnna got VERY tired (even though all she did was sit in the chair, and we were only there for three hours :) ) and is home sleeping now.  She'll get up later to take more meds, but I imagine she'll sleep most of the night from now...

I'm glad for the white christmas :)  It has brought a lot of joy to my mom (once all of us got safely home :) ).  She had a good day with Gary as well :)

Home health came in today and taught mom and johnna how to do her pic infusion antibiotics.  They'll come again tomorrow to make sure they've got it down, but then they just come once a week (on Monday's I would guess because they have to do blood draws on Mondays...). 

No other news to report now.  We're still taking things one day at a time, but today was a blessed one :)

From our family to yours, we wish you all a VERY Merry Christmas.

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