Friday, July 8, 2011


We went into the hospital Weds morning; got a picc put in; was advised Jo's hemoglobin was low. At first they were going to delay the chemo until after 2 units of blood, but then they decided they could start the chemo and give her the blood while the chemo was running. We came home last night. She tolerated the new drug well while we were in the hospital; so far since we've been home, the major side effect has been tiredness. She hasn't been awake for more than ten mins at a time since we came home. Since she was already tired when we went into the hospital and one of the common side effects of this drug is tiredness, we are not surprised by the level of her fatigue. I'm keeping an eye on her for a fever (or nausea/vomiting) as those are the hot points for calling the doctor; otherwise, I'm letting her sleep. She was up to take her medicine and up to eat a little dinner, but mostly she's sleeping. She has developed a cough during the day, which troubles me a little, but again, we're just being watchful.

God has richly blessed us in so many ways; we are thankful for his continued care and for your prayers. Jo was able to attend and be a part of Kara's wedding and was a beautiful maid of honor. We have high hopes for this new drug (since it's derived from a sea squirt, it's organic and not man-made). We continue to thank God for his infinite wisdom and guidance and his love for us. God bless us every one.


  1. CJ, please give Johnna my love. She's in my family's thoughts daily.


  2. C.J. Glad to hear she is on a new trial and things are going as well as can be expected. Tell her to hang in there....God does answer prayers.

    Gary Mickle
