As most of you know, we came home Sun afternoon, May 1st, from the chemo trip. On Weds nite, May 4, Jo was too sick to stand up or even get out of bed; I called an ambulance to get her to the hospital. After several tests and dr opinions, it was determined that the ifosphomide has affected her brain stem causing severe problems with her equilibrium. Dr. G says it will take some time to get better.
Although we finally got them to agree to take out the picc that's been hurting her since they put it in on April 15th, the arm pain has not gone away. I fear some permanent nerve damage; she has told them all since the beginning that it wasn't in right, but couldn't get anyone's attention until May 14th. Because it's a constant pain and has been for so long, it keeps her down. She's taking several meds right now for various reasons, including pain meds every six hours due to the arm pain. Our next appointment is May 31st when we will discuss a new drug; however, her physical condition will need to be in better shape before we will start something new.
To all of you who participated in any way with the fund raisers that were held for Jo, we cannot express our appreciation enough. Most of you know Jo's long-term disability was denied because of "pre-existing"; therefore, our income is quite limited right now. Your generosities in giving of your time, resources, cards, calls, texts, thoughts and prayers are the most precious things to us and your efforts help keep us going. "Thank You" to each of you and God bless and keep you, every one.
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