Wow, it's been awhile... mainly because we've been REALLY busy. Jo came into the hospital for chemo on Monday the 18th and we're still here. At first they can't get the vomiting under control and she wasn't keeping anything, including water down. Then her counts started to bottom out and we've had issues with the kidneys, platelets, white blood counts, potassium, etc. so she stayed in on almost constant transfusion of one thing or another... then Wednesday night she developed a neutropenic fever. They though it was sepsis, but now maybe not, we don't know... but we're still dealing with infectious disease trying to figure out why we're having such a problem keeping the fever down (last night it spiked up to over 103)... and we've been seeing kidney people and cardiac people because whatever is causing this fever also seems to be causing spikes in her creotine levels and heart rate (it was close to 200 bpm last night)...
Anyway, we'll definately be here still through monday. I keep people WAY more up to date on facebook because it's easy to do that from my blackberry and do it quickly, so if you have a page, come friend me if you want faster updates.
Hope everyone else is well.
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